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10. 기도의 신학 영문 문제지 추가

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"Survey Questions"
1. When you include the Lord’s Prayer in your prayers, do you really think about what you’re saying?
2. If your church recites the Lord’s Prayer in it’s regular services, do you really think about what you’re saying?

Have you memorized the Lord’s Prayer? If so, how old were you when you first memorized it?
1. If you recite the Lord’s Prayer in your personal devotions, do you really think about what you’re reciting?
2. Does your church recite the Lord’s Prayer during the service? If so, do you think seriously about what you’re saying?
3. How is it difficult in a developed modern world to have a regular prayer time? Do you personally find it difficult to have 
a regular prayer time?
4. How do many modern Christians show that they don’t understand the true contents, methods, and attitudes of prayer
as shown in the Lord’s Prayer? Why does this matter?
5. What do survey results of Korean church member’s understanding of the Lord’s prayer show us? 
What could (or should) be done in response to these findings?
6. (Perhaps add this to question # 2 that you already have suggested for the “Introduction”) What was the context 
(what was happening) that resulted in Jesus teaching the Lord’s Prayer?
7. Who is the focus of each part (or segment) of the Lord’s Prayer?

“The Preface of the Lord’s Prayer,” 
Did Jesus instruct His followers to recite the Lord’s Prayer word for word? If not, what was He instructing them?
1. As Jesus demonstrated for us, how are we to begin our prayers? Why?
2. What are some things we can learn from the phrase “Our Father who is in heaven”? 
Describe in your own words each of the five items listed. Which of the 5 is most meaningful to you, and why?
3. What effect does it have on you that, even though God is transcendent in heaven, Jesus taught us to address Him
as immanently and personally close, even calling Him “Daddy”?
4. In helping us to draw near to the Father in prayer, the Holy Spirit’s role was emphasized at the end of this chapter. 
How does He do this?
5. (You already developed 5 questions for this section, and perhaps this could be added to question 5 “When we 
confess that God is ‘our Father’ what can happen?”) Five are listed. Which of the five is most meaningful to you,
and why? Are any of these five difficult to embrace (or cling to, or believe)?

“The First Petition,” 
1. Which of the “El” names of God is most meaningful to you? Why?
2. Which of the “Jehovah” names of God is most meaningful to you? Why?
3. Is the first petition (“Hallowed be Thy name”) related to the third commandment? If so, how?
4. How have you demonstrated (shown) in your life that God’s name is hallowed and respected? 
Do you speak His name only when you talk to Him or talk about Him?
A possible verse to include in your section on “Jehovah-Tsedegenu” (the Lord is our righteousness) is 2 Corinthians 5:21. In the section on “Jehovah-Nissi” (The Lord is victory), perhaps insert Romans 8:37 in the sentence about Satan who disturbs and presses us. In the section “What are other names of Jesus Christ who is God?” perhaps insert Philippians 2:9-11. In the section “What happens when we pray in the name of God, Lord and Jesus Christ?” in number 2 you said “The power of salvation in evangelism is when we proclaim the gospel in the name of Jesus Christ.” Perhaps add Romans 1:16 to this.

“Thy Kingdom Come,” 
1. As you pray “Thy Kingdom come,” do you really want Him to sit on the throne of your life as Lord and 
Master of every area of your life?
2. Do you repeat after the saints of old “Come Lord Jesus” and truly mean it from your heart? Are you prepared for
and anticipating His return?

“Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” 
1. Are your prayers for the glory of God and for His will to be done, or are they for your will to be done?
2. Planning is good, but are you willing to let God interrupt your plan at any time so that His plan and will may be done?
3. Distinguish and describe the two different kinds of “God’s will.”
4. Do you fulfill God’s revealed will in your life? Are you studying the Bible in order to better know (and do) 
His revealed will?
5. Have you ever had a situation in your life in which your will was not happening? How did you respond? 
Were you willing to pray sincerely from your heart as Jesus did at Gethsemane “Not My will but Thine”?
6. Has your will ever been in conflict with God’s will? What was the end result?

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