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8.기도신학영문문제및설문 (P251-P267한글)

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1.                  What did the Church Father, Tertullian call the Lord’s Prayer?

2.                  Where in the New Testament is the Lord’s Prayer?  Are there any essential differences between them?

3.                  How can we analyze the Lord’s Prayer?

4.                  What kind of spiritual attitude can we have toward the Lord’s Prayer that is a model for prayers?

5.                  Why was the word “we”used in We-Petitions of the Lord’s Prayer? 


Introduction of the Lord’s Prayer and To whom we pray

1.                  What is the meaning and location of the introduction of the Lord’s Prayer?

2.                  What does “in heaven” mean and teach us?

3.                  Why did Jesus call God the Father in the Lord’s Prayer?

4.                  In what sense is God our Father?

5.                  When we confess that God is “our Father” what can happen?



The First Petition

1.                  How many opinions are there about the meaning of the name of God and what is your opinion?

2.                  What kind of names does God have and what do they mean?

3.                  What does “Yahweh”, that was used most often in the Old Testament, mean?

4.                  What status is Jesus when he prayed, “hallowed be Thy name”? 

5.                  What happens when we pray in the name of the Lord, Jesus?

6.                  When we pray, “hallowed be Thy name,” with what kind of spiritual attitudes should we have?

7.                  What kind of names are being used for the Lord, Jesus?


The second petition

1.                  What does it mean when Jesus said the kingdom of God?

2.                  Whose kingdom is the kingdom of God?

3.                  What is the characteristic feature of the kingdom of God?

4.                  How are the names of the kingdom of God and kingdom used?

5.                  What is the present and future meaning of the kingdom of God about which Jesus taught?

6.                  What kind of misunderstandings of the kingdom of God are there?

7.                   How does the kingdom of God fulfill?

8.                  How can we have the right to pray, “Thy kingdom come”?



The third petition

1.                  What relationship exists between the second petition and the third petition?

2.                  What are the two means that suggest the will of God?

3.                  What are the particularities that include the will of God?

4.                  What does “the will of allowance” mean?

5.                  What is the relationship between the will of God and the death of Jesus Christ on the cross?

6.                  What attitudes are Christians supposed to have toward the will of God?

7.                  Who can fulfill the will of God?

8.                  How can we practice the will of God to be recognized as God’s children?

9.                  How are we supposed to live to do the will of God and to pray with a sincere heart for the will to be fulfilled?

10.              What factors can be helpful to find the will of God?



The fourth petition

1.                  What particularity that could be compared with We-Petition does the fourth petition have?

2.                  Why does the petition for earthly needs, “our daily bread” come before the petition for spiritual needs?

3.                  What does ‘this day’ mean?

4.                  What does ‘us’ mean?

5.                  What does ‘daily bread mean?

6.                  What does ‘give’ mean?

7.                  Why do we have to pray, “give us this day our daily bread”?

8.                  Does the petition, “give us this day our daily bread” teach that we do not need to prepare for the future?

9.                  What kind of confession of faith should “give us this day our daily bread” be?



The fifth petition

1.                  What is the relationship between the fifth petition and the sixth?

2.                  Why does the fifth petition start with the word ‘and’?

3.                  How does the Greek in the New Testament describe the word sin?

4.                  How does the Greek describe sin in the Lord’s Prayer of Matthew and that of Luke?

5.                  How does the word sin relates to the word light?

6.                  What is the characteristic feature of sin as debt?

7.                  Sin in the Lord’s Prayer is characterized as debt.  How are we supposed to understand this?

8.                  How can we pay our debt back?

9.                  Who forgives sin?

10.              What is the definition of forgiveness?



Survey Questions

I.                   Please circle one

1.         Gender: F       M

2.         Age: 20-29,  30-39,  40-49,  50-59,  60-over

3.         Baptism:   Yes         No           Do not understand

4.         Do you believe that the Bible is the word of God?    Fully,     Partly,   Considering

           to believe

5.         Do you read the Bible and pray daily on regular bases?    Yes,   No,

            Considering to do,  Occasionally.

6.         How long have you been a Christian?  1-3 years,  3-5,  5-10,  over 10.

7.         What is your title at Church?  Lay person,  Deacon,  Ordained deacon, Elder,  Ordained deaconess.


II.                Attitudes and Methods of Prayer

1.                  What do you think of praying with one or two hands up in the air?  Good,  Bad,  Do,  Do not know.

2.                  What do you think praying on knees.  Good,  Bad,  Do,  Do not know.      

3.                  What do you think praying with eyes closed.  Good,  Bad,  Do,  Do not know.

4.                  What do you think praying in a loud voice.  Good,  Bad,  Do,  Do not know.

5.                  What do you think praying in silence.  Good,  Bad,  Do,  Do not know.

6.                  What do you think what is your opinion of fasting?  Good,  Bad,  Do,  Do not know.

7.                  What do you think praying at a regular time of day.  Good,  Bad,  Do,  Do not know.

8.                  What do you think praying with praises.  Good,  Bad,  Do,  Do not know.

9.                  What do you think about healing prayers and prayers for miracles.  Good,  Bad,  Do,  Do not know.


III.             Please circle one

(1.    for earnest heart  2. Because it is biblical   3. Because I believe God will answer better   4. Because others’ do so   5. Because the spiritual leader leads   6. Because of physical reasons)

10.       If you pray with hands up, why?   1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6

11.       If you pray on your knees, why?   1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6

12.       If you pray with eyes closed, why?   1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6

13.       If you pray with a loud voice, why?   1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6

14.       If you pray in silence, why?   1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6

15.       If you fast often why?   1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6

16.       If you pray according to a set timetable, why?   1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6

17.       If you pray with praises, why?   1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6

18.       If you acknowledge the healing pray as, why?   1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6


IV.             Survey questions related to the Lord’s Prayer

19.       In which books are the Lord’s Prayer was written?   1) Matthew  2) Luke  3) Matthew and Luke,  4) I do not know

20.              Have you memorized the Lord’s Prayer?  1) Yes,  2) No,  3) In process,  4) Do not want to memorize.

21.              When do you use the Lord’s Prayer in your prayers?  1) before prayer  2) in the middle of prayer,  3) At the end of prayer,  4) Any time.

22.              When do you use the Lord’s Prayer?  1) Personal prayer time  2) In groups  3) In public worship  4) Any time

23.              How many times do you use the Lord’s Prayer in your prayers?  1) 1  2) 2  3) 3  4) Occasionally  5) None

24.              What is your opinion regaring using the Lord’s Prayer at the end of prayer?  1) Because prayer is not enough   2) habit  3) to assure answers of prayers  4) consider it as a closing prayer  5) because of psychological reasons  6) Do not know.

25.              If you think that the Lord’s Prayer is the model of all prayers, why do you pray for things apart from the Lord’s Prayer?  1) because I do not think the Lord’s Prayer includes all other prayers  2) because the Lord’s Prayer is a closing prayer  3) Because I have to ask specifically for my needs in prayers  4) I do not know.

26.              With what attitudes and concepts do you pray the Lord’s Prayer?

1)      With a holy heart.   Yes,  No,  Occasionally

2)      In confession of a true faith.  Yes,  No,  Occasionally

3)      With asking for forgiveness.  Yes,  No,  Occasionally

4)      With whole character and heart.  Yes,  No,  Occasionally

5)      Like children of our  God who is in heaven.  Yes,  No,  Occasionally

6)      To reveal the glory of God in heaven.  Yes,  No,  Occasionally

7)      For the fulfillment of the will of God.  Yes,  No,  Occasionally

8)      With an expectation of provision of daily food.  Yes,  No,  Occasionally

9)      To defeat evil temptations and tests.  Yes,  No,  Occasionally


V.                Questions related to Prayer

27.              There is an order in prayers, praise, thanksgiving, confession, forgiveness, requests, intercession.  How are your prayers?  1) praise, thank, confession, forgiveness, request, intercessory  2) thank, praise, forgiveness, confession, request, intercessory  3) praise, thank, confession, forgiveness, intercessory, request

28.              What kind of prayer do you use when you face troubles in your life?  1) overnight prayer  2) fasting  3) fasting and overnight prayer  4) according to my convenience

29.              What is your opinion about using the name of Jesus at the end of prayers?  1) because it is a traditional way to pray  2) God may answer better  3) because we have to pray in the name of Jesus  4) do unconsciously   

30.              What is your opinion about using the word “Amen” at the end of prayers?  1)Because  this is true prayer  2) Jewish method  3) just follow the tradition  4) understand it is a conclusion word.

31.              How long  should intercessory prayer be in worship?  1) less than 5 minutes  2) 6-10  3) over 10 minutes  4) without harming the sermon time.

32.              Why do you pray? 

1)      God listens my prayers and answers my prayers.  Yes,  No,  No idea

2)      Helps when I am in troublese and sufferings.  Yes,  No,  No idea

3)      Releases me from evil.  Yes,  No,  No idea

4)      Reminds me of my duties toward society.  Yes,  No,  No idea

5)      Becomes my habit. Yes,  No,  No idea

6)      All good people pray.  Yes, No,  No idea

7)      Uncomfortable without prayer.  Yes,  No, 



I thank you who participated in my survey.  It was very helpful.  Please understand that I ignored spaces between words because of literary reasons.  May the blessings of the Lord be with you.


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